We are very proud to announce that the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists has awarded Product Recognition to a number of Triumph Mobility products.
CAOT’s Product Recognition Program (PRP) benefits both members and consumers. CAOT members conduct a comprehensive professional review of submitted products, publish a consumer report and award a CAOT Seal of Recognition to applicant organizations that meet PRP’s rigorous criteria. The Seal can then be used to help occupational therapists and consumers make informed choices.
The triumph Mobility products which have been awarded the CAOT’s Recognition are the following:
- Escape Rollators
- Panthera Wheelchairs Models:
Look for the CAOT Seal of Recognition on these products at your nearest Triumph Mobility Dealer.
For more information please call us at: 1.855.546.0711; or write us to: info@triumphmobility.com